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Churchyard Tour

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Point 6. To the right of the Brooks Monument is a listed Venetian Gothic Chest Tomb to John Slagg, born in Prestwich 1808, merchant, justice of the peace, and friend of John Cobden of the Anti-Corn Law League. It was designed by Alfred Waterhouse in 1863. Waterhouse is best known for his design of Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum in London.[also 60 St Anne's Square] Waterhouse designed a similar monument in 1864 for James Kershaw, also friend of Cobden, who went on to be MP & Mayor of Manchester, which is in Norwood Cemetery, London, and is on the "at risk" register.

Point 7. Three artisan naturalists are buried in this area: John Horsefield was a hand loom weaver from Whitefield, who as well as being president of the Prestwich Botanical Society, propagated a new variety of daffodil, Narcissus Horsefieldii. Bulbs have been planted around his grave. The poem as epitaph for Horsefield was penned by The Manchester PoetCharles Swain see below.

James Percival, who lived at Hope Square, near where the Friendship Inn now stands, lies next to Horsefield, he became president of the Lancashire Botanical Society and his grave is inscribed "He had no favourite flower but loved them all."

Read more about The Artisan Naturalists

Nearby stand 12 Commonwealth War Graves, we shall visit those later.

Take the path to the right of the Brooks Memorial down the hill into the 18 64 extension. There are no listted monuments within this area but it does include many more important Mancunians, from this time.

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